There have been many names mentioned in the articles about DNC chair, so many you begin to realize that reporters just start naming people whose resume could simply get them a job at the DNC. But who actually wants the job and is seeking it out? The buzz in DC is those people are a select few, that doesn’t include Harold Ickes ... but does include the result of the Kerry/Pelosi/Reid meeting - Gov. Shaheen. I will get to Shaheen later, but, one of the the people who definitely wants the job is the founder and chair of the New Democratic Network - Simon Rosenberg.
He should not get it.
I like Simon Rosenberg and I have met him on more than one occasion but despite his quick moves to embrace the blogosphere (like bringing on Matt Stoller as an NDN Blogger) he is not the man the grassroots should want for the job. He is still not firm against the President’s war and the GOP has a lot of firepower if he becomes Chair. Staying at NDN, and being a reasonable answer to the DLC is definitely a better job for Rosenberg and his staff.
With Rosenberg as DNC chair, the RNC will facetiously crow from the rooftops that they are glad DNC chair is supporting the President on the war on terror and in Iraq. While supporting the war is not a kind of position that would disqualify anyone from the position of DNC chair, the way in which Rosenberg defended and continues to defend the president’s decision bothers me.
For instance, he gave the RNC ammo on John Gibson’s show on Fox News, Sept. 9th of this year. Rosenberg said “I think the debate that is not happening is whether or not the war was a good idea. The war was a good idea. I think the American people were behind the President.” In that same interview with John Gibson Rosenberg said “The President was resolute and strong in his decision to go to war. He may also have been wrong in the way they executed it.” Rosenberg's problem is that he says the President MAY have been wrong in the way he executed that while our candidate was very clear that the President WAS wrong. This kind of statement illustrates how Rosenberg cannot lead a strong, aggressive opposition party, which is essential in today's DNC chair.
Sadly, he has many more statements that can be used to handicap the Democratic Party. In the end the RNC will be able to neuter Rosenberg as the mouthpiece of our party and; close friend of mine here in DC said “they will turn him into another yippy dog.”
In contrast NDN’s project with Hispanics and online work is important for the party and must be continued. Rosenberg has the ability to be very effective at NDN in shaping the future and direction of our party and our ability to reach a wide subset of voters. I believe Rosenberg should stay at the NDN were he can stay a more effective force in our party.
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